Stirring songs that teach and inspire application of gospel principles
Written by Ronald K. King

Return Policy
If your product is defective or damaged, go to the Contact Us page, and send us a message. Please include the following: Name, Order number and date (if you have them), Item that is damaged and How it is damaged. Keep the product, and we will send you a replacement at no extra cost.
If you purchased a CD or songbook and are dissatisfied with your purchase, return the item for a full refund in its original or similar packaging to protect the item to LDS Inspired Songs, 461 E. 1910 S., Orem, UT 84058. Be sure to include a note with your name, order number and date (if you have them) and why you are dissatisfied with your purchase so that we can properly credit your refund. (NOTE: The customer is responsible for return shipping charges. If the item is damaged and not useable for resale, the production cost will be deducted from the refund.)