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Stirring songs that teach and inspire application of gospel principles
Written by Ronald K. King

Teaching Ideas
Article of Faith 7
Spiritual Gifts
As we learned in the sixth Article of Faith, God's work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, and he involves each of us in the process. This being the case, each of us needs his guidance and help to fulfill the responsibilities he has given us. To accomplish this, God has given each of us spiritual gifts that will help us in our callings and our efforts to serve and bless others. These gifts are not limited to the ones listed in this Article of Faith, but include any spiritual capacity or character trait that will allow us to serve and bless others.
One of the gifts that can be given to the saints to help them is the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. This gift is often seen as missionaries are blessed with the ability to understand and speak foreign languages in a short amount of time so that they can share the gospel. Revelation, inspiration, promptings, dreams and even visions come as needed to guide members, parents and leaders in their responsibilities or to teach and sustain them in their challenges. The ability to understand and retain knowledge of gospel principles, wisdom to know how to apply that knowledge and the ability to convey or powerfully teach are also common gifts that saints are blessed with, especially when called upon to teach or even just to share in church meetings. Even such simple gifts as compassion, kindness, cheerfulness and humility greatly bless the saints in their service to their fellowmen.
Because the Church has been given the responsibility to take the gospel to the world and redeem the dead and because we need God's help in doing so, the existence of spiritual gifts is a sign of the true church. Many churches teach that miracles and spiritual gifts ended with the apostles, but this is because of a lack of faith. When was there an age or time that the children of God did not need his help or guidance, especially now? Miracles and spiritual gifts are bestowed in accordance with the faith of those needing them and seeking them for the purpose of doing good. They do not convert, and they are not for self-aggrandizement, but they bless those with the faith to receive them.
(For additional insights, read The Articles of Faith by James E. Talmage.)
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